Sunday, October 10, 2010
photomontage using the clone stamp
Instructions for making a photomontage using the magic wand tool & lasso tool
1. Open Photoshop
2. Open your image by going to the File menu and selecting Open.
3. Choose File and click Open
(repeat steps 2 and 3 to open the additional file)
4. Make sure the Layers Palette is visible, if not go to Window - > Layers
(The image of people dancing will be your background layer. Make sure you size the images so that they are side by side and you can see both at the same time.
You will be using the Clone Stamp Tool to add parts from the other image to the background layer).
Create an empty layer above your background:
5. In the bottom of the layers palette click the square to "Create New Layer"
You should see a new empty layer above your background layer that is called "Layer 1"
Use the Clone Stamp Tool to add from the other image:
6. Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the Tool Palette (the stamp, keyboard shortcut is the letter S)
7. Choose the settings for the Stamp at the top
(size of brush = 200, hardness = 0%, opacity = 100%, flow = 100%)
8. Click on the second image (drinks & candles).
9. Hold down the ALT key (you will see the target appear while you hold down ALT)
10. Click on the candle. This is the area you would like to sample (you will be adding that area to the background image). You can let go after clicking once on the area.
11. Click on the background image. Make sure you are on Layer 1.
12. Click and hold down while you move the mouse to paint the candle onto Layer 1.
(you are using the clone stamp to sample from one image and paint on to the other image).
Use the Clone Stamp Tool again to add from another part of the other image:
13. Click on the second image (drinks & candles).
14. Hold down the ALT key (you will see the target appear while you hold down ALT)
15. Click on the beer bottle. This is the area you would like to sample (you will be adding that area to the background image). You can let go after clicking once on the area.
11. Click on the background image. Make sure you are on Layer 1.
12. Click and hold down while you move the mouse to paint the beer bottle onto the background image.
(again you are using the clone stamp to sample from one image and paint on to the other image).
You can continue to use the clone stamp to sample from the second image, adding onto layer 1 over the background image.
Use the eraser tool to clean-up some of the edges on Layer 1.
You can also adjust the Opactiy of layer 1 (select the top layer and then drag the opacity slider to the left.)
Use Marquee Tool + Free Transform (CNTRL + T or Command + T) to adjust the size of the new images on Layer 1. Click and drag the corners out to change the size. Hit the ENTER/RETURN key to apply the transformation.
You can use the Marquee Tool & the Move (it looks like an arrow and the shortcut is the letter V) to change the placement of the selections
Save the image:
Save your image by going to the File menu and Save As (Choose JPEG for finished images and PSD for unfinished images). For JPEG save the image at the highest size (Size 12).