Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Digital Painting
1. Open Photoshop
2. Open a new blank document by going to the File menu and selecting New.
3. Set the Width at 8.5 and the Height at 11 inches, Set the Resolution to 300 dpi,
Color Mode should be RGB 8 bit, Choose White for the Color
4. Fill the blank document by going to the Edit menu and selecting Fill,
Choose Color under the drop down menu options. Pick your color from the options (Yellow).
5. Make sure the Layers Palette is visible, if not go to Window - > Layers
6. Create a new empty layer by clicking on the small square next to the cookie.
7. Choose the Eliptical Marquee from the Tools Palette and set the Feather to 25 pixels.
8. Draw out an oval on the new empty layer
9. Fill the Oval with Blue.
10. Create a new empty layer by clicking on the small square next to the cookie.
11. Choose the Brush Tool (Keyboard Letter B)
12. Set the default colors for foreground and background by clicking on the black & white squares in the tool palette.
13. On the new empty layer paint your black marks with the brush (lines and circles).
Adjust your brush with the brackets or in the drop down menu. (Left bracket makes the brush smaller, right bigger)
14. Use the pencil tool for thinner lines. (It is located under the brush in the tools palette)
15. Choose the color red for the foreground color. Using the brush tool with a soft edge, paint the red dot. (You can bring the hardness slider down to the left to make the soft edge).
16. Choose the color black for the foreground color. Using the brush tool with 60% opacity and a soft edge, paint the last black dot.