1. Open Photoshop
2. Open your image by going to the File menu and selecting Open.
3. Choose File and click Open
4. Make sure the Layers Palette is visible, if not go to Window - > Layers
5. Copy your background using the keyboard shortcut CNTRL + J (Command J)
6. Click on the Cookie (Create new fill or adjustment layer), choose "invert"
7. Use the Keyboard shortcut CNTRL + E (Command E) to Merge Down.
for advanced students:
1. With the top layer selected, use Free Transform (CNTRL + T or Command T) to make the top layer smaller.
2. While in Free Transform mode, grab the corner of the top layer, at the same time hold down the SHIFT key and drag the corner down until the image is a little smaller than 1/4 of the page
3. Right Click (CNTRL + Click) on the top layer and choose duplicate layer.
4. Duplicate the layer again and again until you have 4 of the small images.
5. Click on the background layer, Click on the Create New Layer button from the bottom of the layers palette.
6. Click on the new empty layer and fill it with black by going to Edit - > Fill, Choose Black from the drop down menu and 100% for blending
7. Click on the lowest layer of the 4 small images.
8. Go to the Cookie & choose Black & White.
9. Merge down the Black & White layer.
10. Drag the Black & White flower layer to the top of the layers palette.
11. Click on the lowest layer of the 4 small images.
12. Go to the Cookie & choose Black & White.
13. Merge Down the Black & White Layer. Then go to the Cookie again and Invert that layer.
14. Merge Down the Invert Layer.
15. Drag that layer to the top of the layers palette.
16. Click on the lowest layer of the 4 small images.
17. Go to the Cookie & choose Invert. Merge Down the layer.
18. Use Free Transform to flip the images and change the orientation.
19. Go to the Cookie and choose posterize. Adjust the slider to make the image more abstract.
Save the image:
Save your image by going to the File menu and Save As (Choose JPEG for finished images and PSD for unfinished images). For JPEG save the image at the highest size (Size 12).