Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Healing Tool
How to Use the Healing Tool to Restore Photos Using Photoshop CS2
Photoshop CS2 has many exciting features. Use the healing tool to restore photographs to their original state. The Healing Brush tool copies a texture from one area of the photograph to the flawed area, leaving the repaired area looking as natural as possible. After a bit of practice, you can correct flaws with just one click.
Open the image using Photoshop CS2 and select the Healing Brush tool. This option is ideal for fixing large areas such as a tear or smudge in the photograph.
Select the diameter and hardness for the brush by choosing the Brush Preset picker under Options. Use different sizes when retouching various places in a photo. Pick a large diameter for bigger fixes and a small diameter for small details.
Change the blend mode if necessary. For most restoration jobs, this should be set to Normal.
Choose a source. The source is the area that will be repeated to cover the flaw. There is a choice between Sampled and Patterned. Sampled uses a piece from the picture and is the one that you use most of the time.
Press "Alt," and click on the area to be copied. Select an area large enough to cover the flaw.
Drag this part of the picture to cover the flawed area of the picture. If it is not properly aligned, select the Align options in the Options bar.
Save the file and close it.
patch tool in photoshop elements
While on the duplicate layer, grab the Lasso tool and draw around the area you wish to patch. (blemish,dark circles under eyes,etc)
Click Select>Feather, and set it to a value to soften the edges. I use somewhere around 25.
Click Select>Transform, left-click and drag your selection to an area that you wish to patch from.
Click the green arrow after you are satisfied with your selection.
Hold down the CTRL key,left-click and drag the selection to where you want to patch. Release the mouse key and click Select>Deselect.
You can use the opacity control to adjust the result to your liking.
There are many CS features in Elements 9 now. This Patch Tool
work-around should work on older Elements versions. Give it a try and play with it.
patch tool
How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop CS2
Adobe Photoshop CS2 includes an impressive array of tools that allow users to quickly make edits that can greatly improve the quality of their photographs and graphic art. Users can easily erase and replace skin blemishes and surface scratches so well that the untrained eye will not be able to tell they were ever there. Photoshop's "Patch Tool" is one such tool, allowing you to use unblemished areas of an image as replacements for parts that are scratched or include unwanted elements.
Open Photoshop CS2 and select "File" and "Open" from the application menu. Select an image with an area you want to touch up or patch and click "Open."
Select the "Tools Panel" and choose the "Patch Tool" nested beneath the Spot Healing Brush Tool. Check the "Source" bubble in the Tool Options Panel above your canvass.
Click and drag around the area you want to patch, making sure to connect back to your beginning point to complete the patch area.
Click and hold down your mouse inside the patch area. Drag this to an area that contains a clean section of background, or an image that you want to replace the current area of your patch selection. You will be able to see what the resulting patch looks like as you drag it around your image. Release your mouse when you find the right replacement area.
Select "File" and "Save As." Enter a new name and select a new folder for your patched image. Click "Save."